I have been working on the grandmother quilt. This is the last face added to it after my youngest grandson came into the picture in April! This is the pattern. I then traced it onto freezer paper and used that to cut up. It's pretty easy using this method because you can iron the freezer paper right onto your fabric. Just cut it out adding the 1/4" for overlapping where necessary!
This is after I had the base fabric for his face. Then I added the darker areas for shadows in varying degrees. I use my hand dyed fabric for the skin. Only the blanket, shorts and hair are commercial fabric. In all the other faces I used only hand dyed fabric. See the freezer paper face to the left?
I also did the face in paint to see what it would look like, however, it did not match the other faces done in fabric. But I wanted to show it to you... It was fun! I have since added hair!
Here is Damian's face completed next to Rudy, who is done in fabric only. So it works out well, I think! I am very happy with Damian's face. I don't think you can tell that Damian is colored a little bit with colored pencils! I heat set the color!
Friday, December 7, 2012
I have been searching for a new machine to upgrade the techniques I am using in my art quilts! I was looking at a Janome 6300 and went to test drive it Thursday, Nov 8th after my guild meeting! I did go and I test drove it and it was wonderful! BUT....... I happened to look over my shoulder and saw the Horizon! There were two kinds! The 7700, which they were not carrying anymore, and the 12,000 which is the new Horizon replacing the 7700! I didn't even bother with the 12,00 because it's price was $3000! But the Horizon 7700 was his last one and it was a floor model. I should have walked by it but I did not! I sat down and tested it! All the functions were really the same, straight stitching, free motion and zigzag! But then I wanted to do free motion zigzag which my Viking 715 does not do well at all. The dealer changed the foot for me to the clear round one, set the machine up for me and said "go for it!" I followed the meandered pattern someone else had done with the zigzag to see if it could take the turns and tight spaces around what I do with hair, faces, around eyes and noses! IT WAS MAGNIFICENT!I held my breath and whispered.... I'll take it!